Artist Notes 12/04/2018: Hey guys, happy Monday! 😀 I hope you all are doing well! 🙂 …I am really under the weather… still… again… >.>; It’s frustratingly hard to get work done, and I think I have an issue of pushing myself to try to do too much on the days I feel slightly better and then catapulting myself back into being totally nonfunctional. Making yourself rest can be really hard… a lot of people say that and I’ve sometimes thought that sounds goofy, but it’s true. It’s hard not to feel guilty about rest sometimes. …All this to say, I’m allllmost done coloring 149 and 150. Literally, I think all that’s left uncolored are Pal and Grigori on both pages, so I can safely say they’ll be up next week. 🙂